Synthesis gas production via CO conversion with in-situ CO removal for e-fuels synthesis. PhD dissertation
Stadler, T. J.
2024, September 12. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000174128
Stadler, T. J.
2024, September 12. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000174128
On the suitability of alloys with a high molybdenum content ...for the manufacture of corrosion-resistant microprocessing equipment by diffusion welding - Part 1 of 2. Corrosion aspects, materials and corrosion and diffusion welding tests; [über die Eignung von hoch molybdänhaltigen Legierungen]
Gietzelt, T.; Walter, M.; Toth, V.; Messerschmidt, F.
2024. Galvanotechnik, 115 (6), 742 – 749
Gietzelt, T.; Walter, M.; Toth, V.; Messerschmidt, F.
2024. Galvanotechnik, 115 (6), 742 – 749
Direkte katalytische Hydrierung von CO2 zu langkettigen Kohlenwasserstoffen - Kinetik, Selektivität und Skalierung. PhD dissertation
Brübach, L. T.
2024, July 29. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000172552
Brübach, L. T.
2024, July 29. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000172552
A Comprehensive Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal Options for Germany
Borchers, M.; Förster, J.; Thrän, D.; Beck, S.; Thoni, T.; Korte, K.; Gawel, E.; Markus, T.; Schaller, R.; Rhoden, I.; Chi, Y.; Dahmen, N.; Dittmeyer, R.; Dolch, T.; Dold, C.; Herbst, M.; Heß, D.; Kalhori, A.; Koop-Jakobsen, K.; Li, Z.; Oschlies, A.; Reusch, T. B. H.; Sachs, T.; Schmidt-Hattenberger, C.; Stevenson, A.; Wu, J.; Yeates, C.; Mengis, N.
2024. Earth’s Future, 12 (5), e2023EF003986. doi:10.1029/2023EF003986
Borchers, M.; Förster, J.; Thrän, D.; Beck, S.; Thoni, T.; Korte, K.; Gawel, E.; Markus, T.; Schaller, R.; Rhoden, I.; Chi, Y.; Dahmen, N.; Dittmeyer, R.; Dolch, T.; Dold, C.; Herbst, M.; Heß, D.; Kalhori, A.; Koop-Jakobsen, K.; Li, Z.; Oschlies, A.; Reusch, T. B. H.; Sachs, T.; Schmidt-Hattenberger, C.; Stevenson, A.; Wu, J.; Yeates, C.; Mengis, N.
2024. Earth’s Future, 12 (5), e2023EF003986. doi:10.1029/2023EF003986
Impact of the electrospinning synthesis route on the structural and electrocatalytic features of the LSCF (La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3–δ) perovskite for application in solid oxide fuel cells
Daga, M.; Sanna, C.; Bais, G.; Polentarutti, M.; Massardo, S.; Carnasciali, M.; Holtappels, P.; Costamagna, P.; Pani, M.; Artini, C.
2024. Solid State Ionics, 413, Art.-Nr.: 116620. doi:10.1016/j.ssi.2024.116620
Daga, M.; Sanna, C.; Bais, G.; Polentarutti, M.; Massardo, S.; Carnasciali, M.; Holtappels, P.; Costamagna, P.; Pani, M.; Artini, C.
2024. Solid State Ionics, 413, Art.-Nr.: 116620. doi:10.1016/j.ssi.2024.116620
Controlled Delivery of Paclitaxel via Stable Synthetic Protein Nanoparticles
Mauser, A.; Waibel, I.; Banerjee, K.; Mujeeb, A. A.; Gan, J.; Lee, S.; Brown, W.; Lang, N.; Gregory, J.; Raymond, J.; Franzeb, M.; Schwendeman, A.; Castro, M. G.; Lahann, J.
2024. Advanced Therapeutics, Art.-Nr.: 2400208. doi:10.1002/adtp.202400208
Mauser, A.; Waibel, I.; Banerjee, K.; Mujeeb, A. A.; Gan, J.; Lee, S.; Brown, W.; Lang, N.; Gregory, J.; Raymond, J.; Franzeb, M.; Schwendeman, A.; Castro, M. G.; Lahann, J.
2024. Advanced Therapeutics, Art.-Nr.: 2400208. doi:10.1002/adtp.202400208
Integration of photochemical reactions in microreactors with infrared optical sensors. PhD dissertation
Li, J.
2024, July 2. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000171923
Li, J.
2024, July 2. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000171923
Benchmarking microwave-induced CO plasma splitting against electrochemical CO reduction for a comparison of promising technologies
Hecimovic, A.; Mayer, M. T.; de Haart, L. G. J.; Gupta, S.; Kiefer, C. K.; Navarrete, A.; Schulz, A.; Fantz, U.
2024. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 83, Art.-Nr.: 102825. doi:10.1016/j.jcou.2024.102825
Hecimovic, A.; Mayer, M. T.; de Haart, L. G. J.; Gupta, S.; Kiefer, C. K.; Navarrete, A.; Schulz, A.; Fantz, U.
2024. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 83, Art.-Nr.: 102825. doi:10.1016/j.jcou.2024.102825
Extraction of the intrinsic rate constant for a photocyclization reaction in capillary microreactors using a simplified reactor model
Li, J.; Šimek Tosino, H.; Ladewig, B. P.; Jung, N.; Bräse, S.; Dittmeyer, R.
2024. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering. doi:10.1039/d4re00087k
Li, J.; Šimek Tosino, H.; Ladewig, B. P.; Jung, N.; Bräse, S.; Dittmeyer, R.
2024. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering. doi:10.1039/d4re00087k
Multiskalensimulation eines Bio-Mikroreaktors mit immobilisierten Enzymkaskaden. PhD dissertation
Pietrek, P.
2024, June 13. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000170904
Pietrek, P.
2024, June 13. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000170904
A Simplified Approach for Calculating Heat Transfer Coefficients for Fluid Guiding Elements with Alternating Redirections of Flow
Biffar, L.; Benzinger, W.; Pfeifer, P.
2024. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 96 (8), 1116–1122. doi:10.1002/cite.202300104
Biffar, L.; Benzinger, W.; Pfeifer, P.
2024. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 96 (8), 1116–1122. doi:10.1002/cite.202300104
In Situ Performance Monitoring of Electrochemical Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide Sensors in an Additively Manufactured Modular Microreactor
Doering, M.; Trinkies, L. L.; Kieninger, J.; Kraut, M.; Rupitsch, S. J.; Dittmeyer, R.; Urban, G. A.; Weltin, A.
2024. ACS Omega, 9 (17), 19700–19711. doi:10.1021/acsomega.4c02210
Doering, M.; Trinkies, L. L.; Kieninger, J.; Kraut, M.; Rupitsch, S. J.; Dittmeyer, R.; Urban, G. A.; Weltin, A.
2024. ACS Omega, 9 (17), 19700–19711. doi:10.1021/acsomega.4c02210
Coupling the high-temperature Fischer–Tropsch synthesis and the skeletal isomerization reaction at optimal operation conditions in the Power-to-Fuels process route for the production of sustainable aviation gasoline
Dhamo, D.; Kühn, J.; Lüttin, S.; Rubin, M.; Dittmeyer, R.
2024. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 8 (9), 2094–2103. doi:10.1039/d3se01351k
Dhamo, D.; Kühn, J.; Lüttin, S.; Rubin, M.; Dittmeyer, R.
2024. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 8 (9), 2094–2103. doi:10.1039/d3se01351k
Deposition of Pd, Pt, and PdPt Nanoparticles on TiO Powder Using Supercritical Fluid Reactive Deposition: Application in the Direct Synthesis of HO
Crone, M.; Trinkies, L. L.; Dittmeyer, R.; Türk, M.
2024. Molecules, 29 (9), Art.-Nr.: 2142. doi:10.3390/molecules29092142
Crone, M.; Trinkies, L. L.; Dittmeyer, R.; Türk, M.
2024. Molecules, 29 (9), Art.-Nr.: 2142. doi:10.3390/molecules29092142
A Simplified Design Method for the Mechanical Stability of Slit-Shaped Additively Manufactured Reactor Modules
Metzger, D. F.; Klahn, C.; Dittmeyer, R.
2024. Designs, 8 (3), Art.-Nr.: 41. doi:10.3390/designs8030041
Metzger, D. F.; Klahn, C.; Dittmeyer, R.
2024. Designs, 8 (3), Art.-Nr.: 41. doi:10.3390/designs8030041
Untersuchungen zur Direktsynthese von Wasserstoffperoxid in mikrostrukturierten Membranreaktoren. PhD dissertation
Trinkies, L. L. G.
2024, July 17. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000169011
Trinkies, L. L. G.
2024, July 17. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000169011
Rapid Solid‐State Gas Sensing Realized via Fast K + Transport Kinetics in Earth Abundant Rock‐Silicates
Khoshkalam, M.; Farzin, Y. A.; Sjølin, B. H.; Spezzati, C.; Holtappels, P.; Castelli, I. E.; Sudireddy, B. R.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, Art.-Nr.: 2302231. doi:10.1002/adem.202302231
Khoshkalam, M.; Farzin, Y. A.; Sjølin, B. H.; Spezzati, C.; Holtappels, P.; Castelli, I. E.; Sudireddy, B. R.
2024. Advanced Engineering Materials, Art.-Nr.: 2302231. doi:10.1002/adem.202302231
Opportunities and limitations of metal additive manufacturing of structured catalytic converters
Mehdipour, F.; Delrieux, T.; Maurer, F.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Klahn, C.; Dittmeyer, R.
2024. Catalysis Communications, 106873. doi:10.1016/j.catcom.2024.106873
Mehdipour, F.; Delrieux, T.; Maurer, F.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Klahn, C.; Dittmeyer, R.
2024. Catalysis Communications, 106873. doi:10.1016/j.catcom.2024.106873
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung der gas/flüssig-Phasentrennung in Mikrokontaktoren. PhD dissertation
Dyrda, K. M.
2024, April 18. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000167096
Dyrda, K. M.
2024, April 18. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000167096
Supercritical deposition of mono- and bimetallic Pd and Pt on TiO 2 coated additively manufactured substrates for the application in the direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide
Trinkies, L. L.; Crone, M.; Türk, M.; Kraut, M.; Dittmeyer, R.
2024. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, Art.-Nr.: 109618. doi:10.1016/j.cep.2023.109618
Trinkies, L. L.; Crone, M.; Türk, M.; Kraut, M.; Dittmeyer, R.
2024. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, Art.-Nr.: 109618. doi:10.1016/j.cep.2023.109618