IMVT Seminars

The seminars usually take place on Thursdays from 11 a.m. in the large meeting room (201).

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LookKIT - Weiter Weg zur Energiesicherheit

Forschende am KIT arbeiten an Konzepten für eine stabile, wirtschaftliche und klimaschonende Energieversorgung.

„Wenn wir von Energiesicherheit sprechen, geht es eben nicht nur um Strom. Der Stromsektor deckt derzeit nur etwa 20 Prozent unseres Endenergieverbrauchs ab. Die restlichen 80 Prozent sind überwiegend stoffliche Energieträger wie Mineralölprodukte, Erdgas, Biomasse und Kohle sowie etwas Fernwärme. Es liegt also noch viel Arbeit vor uns.“ so Prof. Dittmeyer im Interview. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf den Seiten 22-25 im untenstehenden Link.

Link zum Magazin lookKIT
Mery Hernandez mit AuszeichnungIMVT
Best Poster - Conference on Unconventional Catalysts, Reactors and Applications

Ms. Hernandez Maya won a „best poster” prize in the conference: 3rd International Conference on Unconventional Catalysis, Reactors and Applications. The event gathered people from all over the world, bringing together interdisciplinary research and development on non-traditional catalysis and applications in industrial reactors which are expanding into new areas, such as health, personal protection, climate and energy.
Ms. Hernandez Maya participated with a part of my PhD topic on “Coaxial microwave plasma reactor for continuous production of H2O2 with water and argon”. The poster was attractive to many colleagues working on clean energy synthesis of chemicals.


Teilnehmer des Power2RunIMVT
“Power2Run” at the Baden Marathon 2024

On 15.09.2024, the four-person running team led by Prof. Roland Dittmeyer successfully participated at the Baden Marathon. With a great passion for sport, the team members completed their respective distances: two runners covered 13 kilometers each, while the other two ran 8 kilometers each. Together, they completed the full marathon distance of 42 kilometers. Over 8,000 runners took part in the event, making it a fantastic day of teamwork and joy for running.

Prof. Dr. Roland Dittmeyer
enPower Podcast

In the enPower podcast, Prof. Dr. Roland Dittmeyer talks about the following topic: "What are carbon cycles? Which industries will still need carbon in the future? And where will it come from - from the air, from biomass or from exhaust gases?"

This episode was recorded at the Copernicus Symposium in Berlin.

Link Podcast
Climeworks DAC unit installed in the ventilation system at the Institute for Micro Process EngineeringIMVT
DACStorE Information Day 10.09.2024

On 10.09.2024 Prof. Dr. Roland Dittmeyer hosted the DACStorE Information Day in the foyer of the Zeiss Innovation Hub. It was a successful event that brought visibility to the topic. There were exciting presentations by:

- Maike Schmidt, ZSW

- Patrick Behr, FZJ

- Lutong Lu, KIT

- Steffen Garbe, Phlair

- Thomas Schöb, FZJ


Guests from Bosch, DACMA GmbH and Worley also took part. A detailed overview can be found in the link below.

Information and registration form
Teilnehmer des Power2RunIMVT
"Power2Run" at the 10th KIT Championship 2024

At this year's KIT Championship on July 13, 2024, the "Power2Run" team, led by Prof. Dr. Roland Dittmeyer, achieved an impressive 15th place in the team ranking.
In pleasant weather and with the applause of many spectators, the motivated participants ran the 10 km course around the South Campus, through the Hardtwald, and back to the KIT Stadium.
The Vice President of KIT, Professor Dr. Alexander Wanner, warmly congratulated all participants on their impressive performances. Congratulations to all participants and the individual winners!
A big thank you to the organizers of the run

More informations & results
v.l. Michael Rubin und Peter Holtappels auf dem Neuland Innovationswettbewerb 2024 des KITIMVT
IMVT achieves fifth place twice with two ideas in KIT's NEULAND Innovation Competition 2024

Two ideas from researchers at the Institute of Micro Process Engineering made it into the top 10 in this year's NEULAND innovation competition: A joint fifth place was secured by the ideas for "Efficient electrical reduction of CO2 - Directly convert CO2 into valuable C3+ products via electricity"(S. Zhong, P. Holtappels, R. Dittmeyer) and the "Development of highly efficient and cost-effective photoreactors for the production of solar hydrogen"(A. Dreher, P. Kant, M. Rubin, R. Dittmeyer). A great motivation and confirmation of our research and development work on the way to a green and CO2-neutral future.
Congratulations also to the three winners on the podium: "VisioPrinTech", "RareCycle" and "HoStaBau".  

NEULAND – Der Innovationswettbewerb
Prof. Dittmeyer im Interview zum Thema "welches Potenzial steckt in Carbon Capture and Storage für die CO2-Neutralität?"prozesstechnik tv
What is the potential of carbon capture and storage for CO2 neutrality?

Carbon capture technologies are of great importance to the chemical-pharmaceutical industry. This means that carbon dioxide is to be removed from the atmosphere on a large scale in the future. With Prof. Dr. Roland Dittmeyer from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT-IMVT) and Matthias Brey, Sustainability Leader at EY Consulting, we shed light on the current political and technological status of carbon capture in Germany - where CO2 could be stored, how far the chemical industry has already come and which technologies are currently being developed.

The interview took place on 10.06.2024 at ACHEMA.

YouTube Video
Teilnehmer Workshop VTT LUT KITIMVT
4. KIT-LUT-VTT-Workshop zum Thema "Herausforderungen bei der Integration von Power2X-Synthese und Elektrolyse“

From May 13th to 15th up to 46 researchers from two Finish institutions, VTT and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), as well as participants from CIEMAT (Spain), Differ (Netherlands), DLR Stuttgart (Germany), and from different KIT Institutes met and discussed ongoing research activities in the areas of electrolyser and “Power2X” technologies. At this 4th workshop in series the focus was on the broader grid context of and the energy system perspective. The event was supported by the EERA Joint Program for Energy Storage and brought together experts and young researchers from electrical-, chemical engineering and natural sciences, legal advisors, and entrepreneurs.

Input Workshop

News archive

Here you will find an overview of the news archive.